Texas Multi-Specialty Group

Pulmonologist & Allergists located in Houston, TX & Tomball, TX

If you snore loudly or have other symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, you may be a candidate for treatment with a CPAP machine. At Texas Multi-Specialty Group, with locations in Cypress and Houston, Texas, the sleep specialists offer CPAP devices to reduce snoring and protect your overall health. To find out if you’re a candidate for treatment with a CPAP machine, schedule a consultation at the Texas Multi-Specialty Group. Call the office nearest you or book your appointment online today.


What is CPAP?

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a breathing device that delivers a constant and steady flow of air that you inhale and exhale through a facemask.

The team at Texas Multi-Specialty Group, uses CPAP and AutoSet™ sleep therapy devices from ResMed that you use throughout the night while you sleep. The AutoSet device offers an auto-adjusting feature for pressure to make your treatment more comfortable.

Why do I need a CPAP?

A CPAP is an effective therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This condition causes you to pause or stop breathing multiple times throughout the night.

You develop obstructive sleep apnea when the muscles that the back of your throat relax enough to block your airways. This abnormal muscle activity can be due to:

  • Aging
  • Obesity
  • Muscle weakness
  • Structural deformities
  • Neurological dysfunction

When you can’t get enough air while you sleep, you may wake up gasping or coughing several times throughout the night. You may also snore loudly enough to disrupt your partner’s sleep.

If you have difficulty staying asleep or your loved ones complain of your loud snoring, you should schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Texas Multi-Specialty Group, as soon as possible. The team can set you up with a sleep study at home or in a sleep lab to confirm obstructive sleep apnea or other sleep disorder.

What are the benefits of CPAP?

A CPAP machine delivers continuous airflow to your body to protect the health of your heart and lungs. When your blood oxygen levels are too low, your heart has to work harder to maintain them. This causes unnecessary pressure on your heart that can ultimately lead to heart damage or disease.

Using a CPAP also eases snoring and ensures you get a good quality of sleep at night. The team at Texas Multi-Specialty Group, provides detailed instructions to help you use the CPAP at home and maintain it for long-term use.

To find out if you’re a candidate for treatment with a CPAP machine, schedule a consultation at Texas Multi-Specialty Group. Call the office nearest you or book an appointment online today.